18 Jun 2018

During festive times, one is often tempted by the variety of sweet pastries.
These pastries are certainly delicious and enticing, nevertheless they bad for the health of young and old alike. They are strongly discouraged for diabetics but also for people in good health as they are prepared with white sugar.
White sugar and diabetes
Mankind has always consumed sugar however those that are much more nutritious than white sugar, such as honey, cane sugar, natural sugars in fruit...
Refined white sugar is a new substance for our body which can cause diabetes, a chronic disease marking our time.
On a metabolic level, diabetes is defined as the body's inability to absorb all the sugar in the blood.
Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas whose purpose is to ensure the intracellular penetration of sugar, can no longer play its role following the frequent consumption of white sugar. Thus, the blood sugar remains high which causes multiple health problems.
White sugar and obesity
The consumption of white sugar is the first cause of obesity in the world.
Indeed, this disease which affects about 1/3 of the world's population, is most often caused by hyperglycemia.
This is an abnormally high glucose concentration in the blood, a blood glucose level above 1.26 g / L on an empty stomach and 2.00 g / L the rest of the time.
This hyperglycemia is a direct consequence of the excessive consumption of industrial sugar.
In fact, insulin sends the sugar in the blood to the cells, which will quickly fill up with anything offered to them, good or bad.
Once the cells are full, all the excess will be stored in the extracellular medium, causing weight gain.
Thus, by consuming a lot of sugar or white flour preparations, we develop a gradual weight gain, giving rise to obesity.
White sugar and aging
White or refined sugar as well as sugar-rich products are at the origin of organs, muscles and joints aging. Indeed, the long and tiring digestion of white sugar causes a complicated body process called glycation which is hard on the organs therefore accelerating aging.
Too much sugar also ages the skin, since the collagen in our skin is made up of protein-forming amino acids.
When this collagen is exposed in a prolonged and repetitive way to sugar, it loses its elasticity. As a result, tissues become slack, skin aging is accelerated and the appearance of wrinkles is rapid.
To avoid all these complications and preserve your health and those of the people you love, start by changing eating habits, gradually decreasing the consumption of sugar of all kinds (bread, pasta, industrial desserts ...).
Choose less sweet, homemade pastries over industrial ones. Above all, get your family’s palate used to eating fruits over sweets and cakes for dessert.